Client: Raw Stadia
Industry: AI Sports Technology
Raw Stadia's integrated Density Scanner software is one of the many tools to improve and analyse sports pitches. The Raw Stadia platform and surface testing technologies help customers to improve their knowledge of the playing surface and gain insights into how the pitch conditions, which change daily, influence their players and athletes. Keeping a record of a pitch helps to analyse how they have performed over time: good way of monitoring a pitches' progression is by taking density data including the colour of your turf. Through its use, groundskeepers and coaches can understand:
• Has a pitch improved with any fertilizer products applied or the maintenance carried out?
• Is more exposure to artificial lights required?
• Has it degraded due to excessive usage, a cut in budget or even the weather conditions?
App Designers at Raymont-Osman produced a mobile App which analyses grass using image analysis and pixel composition on a mobile device. This calculates coverage and health score of specific zones of the playing pitch, including variables such as stress areas. This App - which works in conjunction with the new Raw Artificial Athlete Tester (also designed at RO) allows the user to seamlessly record test results that would previously have been manually entered into the web site.
Services: App development, calibration