Yesterday we went to the University of Birmingham where Tom was an undergraduate from 2000 to 2004.
It was great to be back and see lecture theatres full with the next generation of Mechanical Engineers and to meet some old friends.
Our reason for going was to launch the inaugural Raymont-Osman Design and Development Prize. This is to promote design and development as a career and is awarded at the start of the final year for both the BEng and MEng Students at the University of Birmingham.
Students need to summarise their proposal on what they will design and / or develop for their final year project, how they will do it and highlighting why it is important or interesting.
This is to be on one side of A4 only and sent to us in the post by Monday the 14th of October. The winner of the £500 first prize and other honourable mentions will be announced in early November.
Good luck to everyone entering!