Why Reviews Matter

This month, it's all about the numbers as we celebrate Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.

Did you know that:

  • 90% of consumers read reviews before acting
  • 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation (Nice Job.com)

Put simply, reviews matter - good or bad.

  1. Reviews enable you and your brand to cultivate a strong reputation, which in turn pays dividends on your rankings in search results - ultimately leading to more digital footfall.

2. We all feel better investing in a product or service which comes recommended by others. Reviews are digital word-of-mouth. They help to associate characteristics such as trust, honesty and security with your product, giving customers the reassuring nudge they need invest in your brand.

3.  Digital reviews are the equivalent of spreading word of mouth via a megaphone! They are public, reaching literally thousands, if not millions of people at the click of a button. When a customer posts a review of your product, that opinion is shared across their entire network of friends. Given that the average person boasts 338 Friends on Facebook and limitless Friends of Friends, that potential for exponential word-of-mouth is HUGE!

We've all been there.....about to purchase a product, experience or service and, at the last minute, double-checked the reviews. Despite all of our own research and emotional buy-in, a bad review(s) has the power to empty your shopping basket in a flash.

Given the rise of the metaverse, BAD reviews can easily result in the death of a product or brand.

The growth of the digital age means that our clients can't afford to make mistakes which lead to poor reviews. Investing in high-quality, user-centred design is the cornerstone of any GOOD review. It has the power to make or break your brand and should be seen as essential to your product journey.

At Raymont-Osman Product Design, we focus on the high-quality engineering and design needed to elicit the rave reviews needed to promote your product. Google reviews don't lie and we are proud to be awarded 5 star reviews in EVERY SINGLE client review.

Don't take our word for it. Check it out for yourself!

The quality of our services and the products we have designed consistently speak for themselves.

Or see how high-quality design and development by Raymont-Osman are helping leading British shoe-shining business, Equerry launch and sell Equerry Pro,  their innovative high-torque motorised shoe-polisher with two-baton design and integrated shoe cream.

Or head to Google to read testimonials from our many satisfied clients - in terms of numbers, 5 stars is what we're about!

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