
Brilliant products need to look amazing and function well. The in-house Designers and Engineers at Raymont-Osman Product Design possess extensive training and experience in advanced surface modelling, enabling them to create A-class products that look as good as they perform.

SolidWorks, our 3D CAD modelling package works as a hybrid between solid and surface modelling. In one piece of software we can create the stylish exterior and the hard-working technical interior of a product.

Some of the most complex surfacing is on swimming goggles for Speedo. The surfaces on these goggles are visible on both the inside and outside of the goggle, they have to fit delicate areas on faces and they need to be perfectly moulded to achieve flawless optics. Achieving all this simultaneously requires precision surfacing.

To learn more about how we can help you create amazing products, please get in touch.

Sport Product design and development
Speedo Product design and development